Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Daughter has 4 different doctors who prescribe medications for her: her family doctor, the endocrinologist (diabetes), the neurologist (epilepsy), and the psychiatrist. The family doctor is 12 miles away (if we can catch her when she's in the office near us), and the others are all at least 45 miles away, with the neurologist 100 miles away. She sees the neurologist twice a year and the endocrinologist 4 times a year. We've seen the psychiatrist as often as every 2 weeks and when she's stable have gone as long as 3-4 months between visits. She also sees therapist regularly. It is a constant balancing act, trying to get her the medical care she needs without spending all of our time running to appointments. Her doctors and I work hard to minimize the appointments as she has a tendency to play up her ailments. We want her to see herself as able.
A couple of months ago they tested everyone is hearing at the workshop. Daughter flunked. The nurse wanted me to take her to the doctor immediately. Daughter is able to hear the TV when it is turned down to a very low level, and I've not seen any signs of hearing loss, so I decided not to make another appointment, but to mention it to her family doctor when I take her in for her meds. The nurse continues to bug Daughter about how she needs to get to the doctor because she can't hear. I continue to assure Daughter we'll get it taken care of. Today, I called and made the appointment with her doctor for next month. She needs a new physical for Special Olympics by July, and two of her prescriptions need renewal.
I'm sure the nurse thinks I'm neglecting Daughter's health. In the last 2 weeks she's had three appointments. I still need to schedule appointments for an eye exam and the dentist. The dentist wants me to get her wisdom teeth pulled. The closed oral surgeon who takes medicaid is over 100 miles away. They aren't bothering her. It will be complicated because of her diabetes. I'm not in a huge hurry. I'm sure the dentist thinks I'm neglecting her, too.
There are those who probably think I'm neglecting the church because I spend so much time transporting Daughter to doctor's appointments. It doesn't matter that I work on sermons in waiting rooms, or that I work many evenings and seldom get a full day off. I have actually been told that they don't care about my family and don't want to hear anything about it.
Endocrinologist walked into the room Monday and gave Daughter a high five to congratulate her for her excellent blood sugar control. I'm glad there is someone who doesn't think I'm neglecting Daughter's health.


Jennifer W. said...

If you and Daughter think her hearing is fine, it most likely is. I'm an audiologist and we get many referrals from screenings done like your daughter's. They are a GREAT thing, but sometimes they are done in less than optimal situations (next to an AC unit, in a room with other children, etc.). I definitely recommend follow-up with an audiologist, but I wouldn't consider this an emergency by any means.

Reverend Mom said...

Thanks, Jennifer. Daughter probably thinks she needs to be checked, but Daughter has times when she craves the extra attention, which is why we discourage too many appointments.