Sunday, March 10, 2013


I hate the spring time change.  I never sleep well the night before, afraid that I will oversleep and be late for church.  I never have, but I always worry about the possibility.  Once again, I made it on time.  It took me a minute to figure out why it was so dark when I went into the sanctuary to plug in the coffee. 

A month and a half ago we made a major change to the worship area.  We have long counter and cabinets we call the commitment center.  We put sign up sheets there, as well as information for people to pick up.  The Commitment Center had been along the gathering area when you first enter the sanctuary.  The result was that people congregated there before worship, and it was rather uninviting to visitors, who were confronted with a mass of people that made it difficult to get through.  So, as an experiment, we moved the cabinets to another location. 

I was skeptical.  I thought that it was so much a part of the culture of the congregation that people would continue to gather in the same area.  I was wrong.  People moved around with their conversations.  An unanticipated result was that more people began using the Commitment Center, since it was easier to get to it. 

There was one long time member who was not too pleased with the change.  He thought the area looked bare and uninviting after we made the change.  However, he didn't oppose it, and made suggestions to improve things.  Today another member returned from an extended vacation.  So the long time member who didn't like the change, proudly gave her a tour of the changes.  I like that kind of opposition....

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