Friday, March 1, 2013

Phone Calls

Daughter called late this afternoon, crying.  She was afraid about her overnight visit to the new house.  We talked about how she was scared last week, too, and how it had all worked out.  I suggested she take the weighed stuffed cat Administrative Assistant made her with her, and we talked about some other things she could do to help herself calm down. 

She called after she got picked up, and she was very happy.  They were going out to eat.  She called again from the restaurant with a question, still sounding good.  She just called to say good night.  She was ready for bed.  She sounded tired, but good.  I'll pick her up from the new house at 1:30 tomorrow.  Hopefully she will sleep well and have a good morning, too. 

She was worried earlier if it was okay to call me from the new house.  I asked if she had a cell phone.  She acknowledged she did.  I reminded her she had it so she could call me. 

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