Thursday, March 14, 2013


It's been a long week.  I realized early on that the calendar didn't work.  Monday was supposed to be my quiet reading day when the church office is officially closed.  I had at least 8 people come through for a variety of reasons.  Tuesday I was in the office in the morning, then an afternoon meeting and an overnight retreat.  After too little sleep, I was back in the office yesterday afternoon, and led the Lenten study yesterday evening.  I was in bed by 9:00 last night.

This afternoon I had a meeting 70 miles away.  I decided we would go out for supper tonight before choir, as I didn't want to cook.  When I got home, I went into my bedroom and opened the drawer where I hide my extra cash.  The money was gone. 

Apparently, Daughter was searching my room Saturday, and took the money on Sunday.  She says there was $160.  I thought there was more, but don't know.  Yesterday her program staff took her out shopping.  She spent over $100.  She returned about $43. 

She announced she was going back to the house, and I took her.  She said she knew I was mad at her, and I told her I was sad and hurt.  She felt remorse.  She promised to pay me back.  I told her she has to bring me everything she purchased on Sunday.  She said she wouldn't do her visit to the new house tomorrow.  I said she would.  I'm tired.  I don't want to be around her right now.  We still haven't figured out the pharmacy issues.  I still need to write a sermon.  I won't be getting my day off tomorrow. 

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