Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rapid Cycling and Preaching

Psychiatrist increased Daughter's anti-depressant last time we saw her, with the warning that if this was rapid cycling, it would make things worse. I think we have our answer: this is rapid cycling. Daughter had another very rough day yesterday. She told me she needs help. She is having a difficult time finishing anything. Any thing can set her off. She's all over the place with moods and decisions. She must have called one guy multiple times yesterday after ignoring his calls for several days. She told him they could be friends. Later in the day she decided he'd hung up on her and wasn't showing her respect, so she called and left an angry voice mail telling him they couldn't be friends anymore. At some point his parents got involved. I don't know the details and don't want to know the details. I know that tomorrow contact will be made with Psychiatrist to begin weaning her off the antidepressant. I already backed her off to the original dose this morning. I hope that we will see quick improvement.
Today was my first Sunday back in the pulpit. I really struggled with God on this sermon, because the Holy Spirit was taking it places I didn't want to go. I was late going to bed and then did not sleep very well. I'm sure there were some people who didn't like what I said-- I mentioned politics and took both liberals and conservatives to task. I also addressed an issue that threatens to split our denomination. A number of people were very effusive in their praise, including a retired pastor who was traveling in the area. He told me he'd be here weekly if he lived in the area. He was glad to hear me taking on the headlines.
It will be interesting to see if I get any complaints. It was good to back. I enjoyed my time off, and I am enjoying being back in the swing of things. Now I need to get ready to go serve lunch at the shelter. Daughter has done pretty well so far today. Hopefully that will continue.

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