Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Last night I was tired when I finally sat down to write out the liturgy for today's memorial service. I was cutting and pasting when I apparently dozed off. When I woke up, I had over 200 pages of kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk in the document. Apparently I was hitting the ctrl key occasionally, because about once a page the paragraph I had been pasting appeared. I think I need to get more sleep.
The memorial service did go well today. People thought I really knew her well. I was given good information. Members of the church were welcoming me back and telling me they'd missed me. That's nice to know.
I was in a meeting late this afternoon when my cell phone rang. It was Daughter. She was home, over an hour early. I told the committee Daughter was home alone and I'd see them later (the meeting was winding down). It seems that there was a power failure at the facility that has the early route, so they ran the late route early today. It would be nice if they let me know about those things. I think she did okay while she was home alone. Her blood sugar doesn't show evidence of extra food.
I think tonight I will go to bed early. Tomorrow we have to finalize the newsletter. I think I got most of the articles I needed to write done this afternoon.

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