Monday, August 12, 2013


On Monday I'm alone in the office.  Or maybe I should say, Administrative Assistant is off on Monday.  Financial Secretary and her son stop by briefly, but that's the only one scheduled to be in the office.  The entire congregation knows that I'm alone in the office on Monday.  So it is a good day for them to stop by to chat.  It makes it hard to do the reading and writing I want to do, but I love the visits.  I have some amazing conversations on Mondays.  I love Mondays.  Even with the visitors, I did get some of my reading and writing done today. 

Daughter couldn't reach me while I was in meetings this evening.  She forgot Monday night is meeting night.  I left my cell phone in the office.  By the time I got home and called her, she was very worried.  I reminded her that when I fell and broke my arm, I made sure someone had my cell phone and could tell her what was going on.  She was relieved, and said, "Mom, we have a good church."  I agree. 

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