Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Snapshots

We got a little bit of snow last night, just enough to ice the roads and make them treacherous when I headed out to pick up Daughter at 7:00 this morning. She was not happy that I was late, and when I told her that I had almost decided against coming to get her, she was outraged. She has to be in church.
During the children's time, I was talking about how you prepare for a journey. One of the kids announced that they take tigers. The congregation loved it. This little boy has sensory integration issues, and he's had a hard time. He has made tremendous progress with therapy, and now comes up alone, sits still and pays attention through the children's time, and will look at me and answer questions. I was delighted by his answer, and referred to it during the adult sermon.
One of our elderly members wasn't there today. Another woman was concerned, because she missed an event Thursday evening, too. She called her and learned she was sick. She was taking her soup and juice and going to try to convince her to let her take her to urgent care. The sick woman wanted to wait to see her own doctor tomorrow. We will transport the sick woman to the doctor's office, and we also looked up her daughters' phone numbers (they live about 75 miles away) so we can call them if necessary.
Daughter reports that with a staff member observing she measured out her own breakfast and figured out her own meds this morning. She was quite proud.
We had a visitor in worship this morning. She told me my sermon was just what she needed as she gets ready to start a new job.
I took Daughter to a couple of different stores before I took her back. Because I'd procrastinated, everything was cheaper than it was when I decided I wanted to go these place to get these items.
Next Sunday we will receive new members. I will be baptizing a couple who have been married for 62 years. Neither one had ever been baptized. They have children and grandchildren who are planning to attend.
I realized I'd forgotten to ask the coffee hour people to do something special for the coffee hour next Sunday since we will have new members and a baptism. They were a step ahead of me and had already made plans.
Have I mentioned recently that I love my job?

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