Friday, December 23, 2011

A Gift

Due to confusion this morning, I didn't have a hair appointment when I thought I did. So, I headed over to the church to pick something up. I decided Daughter should help fold bulletins and newsletters because one of the usual volunteers was not coming in today and there was more to do than usual. I began clearing off my desk. Then I had Daughter sort through the piles of magazines and organize them in the cases I have for magazines. I filed all the papers that had piled up on my desk (when I reached the surface, the large desk calendar was still on October. It took several hours, but my office is clean. I asked Administrative Assistant how long she thought I'd keep my desk clean. She pondered for a minute, and then said, "I think a week." She paused and added, "You are off for the next week." The confusion about my appointment turned out to be a gift. I'm delighted that I will be returning to a clean office.
There was a steady stream of people dropping in for a variety of reasons. I told AA we should have anticipated that. Daughter was super cooperative. She had a bit of an attitude this morning, so we talked about it. I didn't have the guest room securely locked, so she got into sweets overnight. Her blood sugar was high this morning. She acknowledged that guilt was what had set her off, and that if she'd just stayed out of the guest room, there wouldn't have been a problem. She was ready to go back, as one of the staff members promised to braid her hair today.
The mall traffic is insane. I headed north to go south to the church so that I wouldn't have to go by the mall. Of course, my hair appointment was at the mall. My stylist said this is the busiest she's seen the mall in a number of years, and she was glad to see it so busy. There are a lot of empty store fronts, so that is really encouraging to hear they are busier than usual this year.
I still need to finalize two sermons and develop the powerpoints to go with them, but they will get done. I will pick Daughter up again tomorrow afternoon, and she'll spend the night with me. I need to find and wrap her gifts before I pick her up. I have them hidden around the house.
I'm a little stressed, but not as much as I am most years. It really is nice not to have to deal with Daughter and her drama.


Spinner said...

When you are past this busy season I'd love to discuss visual media for churches! For five years I was the Visual Media Director for a small Presbyterian church in Southern California; in addition to preparing the slides for the entire service I also prepared the pastor's sermon slides from her script and any images that had caught her imagination for that message. I've happily trained enough volunteers to keep the work going as I'm too busy to continue that (I'm primarily a website developer), but my interest remains high and I'd enjoy the discussion and resource-sharing.

Your daughter and yourself/ministry are in my prayers. I hope that the rest of the week and the time through the Advent/Christmas season is enjoyable and fulfilling for you and your congregation.

Reverend Mom said...

I'd love to converse-- once things slow down.