Saturday, November 5, 2011

Daughter Called

Daughter made it just over 24 hours before she called to tell me I had to come get her immediately. You think she'd figure out that I don't do that. She threatened to walk home, and then threatened me. She's still there, and will probably change her mind a dozen or so times before she moves. I wouldn't want to live in her head.
It was weird, not having her here on a Saturday. I did some yard work and some shopping, but was pretty lazy overall. I'm sure that I will adjust and will eventually enjoy my alone time, but for now, it's just weird....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad this is going well (despite the ups and downs) -- Daughter is starting her own life, which will include you, but not so centrally! Will she be able to stay connected to her fellowship and all the saints that care about her? Rachel in SL