I came in this morning, determined to do some writing. Then the visitors started. When one man came in, he said, "I'm the next one through the revolving door." So while I haven't gotten the writing done I had planned, I've had some wonderful conversations. I've dealt with some administrative matters-- both for the church and my own personal stuff.
I've had a conversation with Daughter's Case Manager about Daughter's desire to change her day program to a sheltered workshop. I've visited with my favorite 3 year old. I'm grateful that this last week before vacation is flexible enough that I can enjoy these interruptions and the opportunities they bring.
Have I mentioned recently how much I love my life?
Sorry, guess I haven't been reading carefully -- what sort of day program is she in, exactly? R in SL
She spends her days at a community inclusion program. They go out and do various activities in the community each day.
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