Monday, February 23, 2009


We are home. We were much later getting away than I had planned, and I decided not to take the time to stop by the hospital and see Mom. I knew she was having lots of company today, so I decided we'd just head home. It was hard leaving Dad in the care of a stranger. I kept thinking of things I needed to tell her, things she had to know in order to care for Dad properly.
Dad was definitely weaker last night and today. I think yesterday wore him out, but I also think he has seen the people he wants to see, so he doesn't have any thing to look forward to. He wasn't interested in any of the movies that normally interest him. He was also showing more confusion yesterday evening and today. He asked my sister where Mom was.
Daughter is exhausted. She slept most of the way home in the car. I must admit to being tired, as well. I ordered a diet Pepsi when we drove through for supper. Normally I don't drink caffeine after 1:00, but I knew I needed it if I was going to stay awake for the rest of our journey, especially with Daughter snoozing beside me. It will be good to sleep in my own bed in my cool house tonight.
I'm looking forward to getting busy in the office tomorrow. I expect that Mom will be home tomorrow or Wednesday. I'll be very surprised if they find anything. I suspect it will always be a mystery what led to the seizure. If she continues to have seizures, we'll have to decide if we want to medicate her or not.
For tonight, I'm not going to think of all the things I'm going to have to do this week. I'm going to go upstairs, turn on the TV, get in the recliner, and relax, hopefully with a cat or two on my lap.

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